Here are links that support ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH with explanations belowe.
Contact me if you want to share any of yours.
TIPS TO REDUCE TOXINS is a hand out on simple tips to reduce environmental toxins in the home.
The next four links are links from the Environmental Working Group:
DIRTY DOZEN lists the produce foods with the highest and lowest levels of pesticides.
FOOD ADDITIVES is helpful if you want to investigate food ingredients.
SKIN DEEP is a data base to research your personal care items.
FOOD SCORES evaluates the safety of specific foods.
WHAT'S ON MY FOOD is a searchable database which makes the public problem of pesticide exposure easier to understand.There all also resources for air toxins and land pesticides.
SAFE MARKETS is a product guide.
WATER is the EPA analysis of your drinking water by zip code. A guide to water filters can be found here.
AIR NOW and PURPLE AIR monitor air quality by location.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) offers a wide variety of easy to understand information on various topics.
NIH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TOPICS reviews health affects of many toxins.
PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK (PAN)-is a large database for toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides.
MERCURY GUIDE helps you avoid high exposures to mercury.
CPID (CONSUMER PRODUCT INFORMATION DATABASE) educates consumers about chemical ingredients of household products with information on the health effects for over 23,000 consumer brands. This is supported by the NIH, US Public Health Service, and the Department of Health & Human Services.
DISPOSAL OF MEDICINE is the FDA instructions on how to safely dispose of unused or expired medication.
Lifestyle Health LLC does not vouch for the accuracy or safety of these websites. You enter these at your own risk. The thoughts and views presented in any link are not representative of this site.