Best Self Talk for Behavior Change
What we say to ourselves sets the stage for most of our behavior. Thus, I am a huge fan of slogans--those phrases that sum up a whole way...

Italians Really Do Make Better....... Balsamic Vinegar (with six family-approved recipes!)
As a supporter of the Mediterranean diet (which has a strong body of evidence showing the positive impact on health), a lecturer on the...

Taking a Break Without Guilt
We live in a culture that values productivity and hard work. How often does someone ask how you are and your response is “Busy!”....

The Magic That Happens In Your Life When You Clear Out The Clutter In Your Closet
Every once in a blue moon I will read a book that truly transforms my life and moves me to another place. That is how I feel about "The...

Managing Sleep When Working Off Hours and General Tips for Insomnia
The following is my article recently published on the main national radiology website for physicians to manage sleep when working...