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-Be sure to consult with your doctor and this is not and form of medical advice. Here is what I did for illness prevention in Nepal:



We were only going up to 10,200 ft on our trip so the chance of altitude sickness was low. But, I brought Diamox that my doctor prescribed for me. There are potential side effects so I did not want to take it unless I had to. I ordered supplements I read many skiers liked for high altitude. Anecdotal reports are not clinical trials and they don't’ study side effects so I cannot say at all if they work. It may have been a waste, but we took them. Do your own research and decide. We took ChlorOxygen and Attitude RX. The first one will make your poop a little green so don’t think you caught something terrible. 



There are recommended vaccines if you go to Nepal. Take a look at the CDC website.  Hepatitis A and Typhoid are the main ones and there may be others, depending what areas you visit. 



My doctor gave me the antibiotic Azithromycin (500 mg once a day for three days) to take with me just in case. And, I brought over-the-counter Imodium. Read directions for Imodium and don't’ take it if there is blood in your stool. She said to use the Imodium for mild diarrhea and and the antibiotic if it got a lot worse or persistent. I ended up needing the Imodium and was very glad I brought it. 


Be sure to drink plenty of water on the trek. I brought packets of Trioral Oral Rehydration Salts in case of dehydration. 



Kathmandu has amongst the highest pollution in the world and a MASK is very helpful. We wore KN95 masks when walking outdoors and were absolutely fine. The duck bills are the only ones I can breath comfortably in but Rich prefers the standard black masks. One night we forgot them and really felt the difference so I would definately suggest taking along a few masks for your time in that city. 

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